Is This What You Do If Your Sick Child Is On Day Care?

If you have a sick child and they can’t stay home, what do you do? The decision is often difficult, especially when daycare or preschool is closed.

This blog article discusses the pros and cons of keeping your sick child at home and looks at alternative options around the US to help give you an idea of what to do.

Why is Your Child Sick?

The best way to diagnose your child’s illness is by getting them in to see a doctor. However, if you are unable to get your child to a doctor soon enough, there are some things that you can do on your own.

If you think your child has the flu, giving them fluids, rest, and cold remedies is best. If your child has a fever over 100 degrees,

they should also be given antibiotics. If you think your child has measles, they must stay home from school and avoid contact with other people.

If you are concerned that your child might have a more severe illness such as appendicitis, you will want to take them to the ER immediately.

However, if you’re not sure what’s wrong with your child or if their symptoms are milder, it may be helpful to try some of the following home remedies:

– Give your child ice chips or cold drinks throughout the day

– Put a cool washcloth on their forehead or upper back when they are sick

– Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids

– Applying cooled compresses or ibuprofen to the chest and

How to Make Sure Your Child Is In Good Hands

If you’re thinking about sending your child to daycare, here are some tips to make sure your child is in good hands.

What to Do When Your Child is Sick at School

If your child is sick at school, here are some tips to help you manage the situation.


Like many parents, you’ve probably been concerned about your child’s safety while they are in daycare. After all, who knows what could happen? Well, here are a few tips to make sure your child is as safe as possible while they’re away from home:

  1. Make sure to have up-to-date insurance information with the daycare provider. This will cover any medical expenses during your child’s stay.
  2. Arrange for someone to watch your child during their nap time and when they eat breakfast and lunch. This way, you can be confident that your child is being appropriately supervised and that no accidents will happen during those critical hours.
  3. Request that the daycare provider send a list of the children currently attending the center so that you can familiarize yourself with their personalities and backgrounds. This way, if there is ever an incident involving one of these children, you’ll already know it beforehand.

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