7 Things You Should Know About Birth Defects

There have been many advancements in medical care and the quality of life for newborns. However, there are many steps involved in providing this care,

and one thing that often goes unnoticed is congenital disabilities. In this article, we will look at the top 7 things you should know about congenital disabilities to understand better their role in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

What are Birth Defects

Congenital disabilities are problems with developing a baby’s organs or tissues. Congenital disabilities can occur at any stage of a baby’s development, from conception to birth.

There are many congenital disabilities, but some of the most common are birth injuries, such as severe head injuries and cerebral palsy.

Other common congenital disabilities include Down syndrome and spina bifida (a condition in which the spinal cord doesn’t close entirely during childbirth).

Most congenital disabilities can be corrected with surgery or other treatments. But some congenital disabilities, such as Down syndrome, may not be able to be corrected.

Congenital disabilities constitute a significant cause of disability worldwide and account for about one-third of all disabilities in children under five years old.

Types of Birth Defects

There are a variety of congenital disabilities that can occur during pregnancy. Some of the most common congenital disabilities are Down syndrome,

cleft lip and palate, congenital heart disease, and spina bifida. Each of these conditions has a different cause and can range in severity.

Down syndrome is the most common congenital disability in the United States. It is caused by a genetic mutation, affecting about one in every 600 births.

Down syndrome usually results in mild to moderate intellectual impairment and some physical features, such as small hands and feet.

Cleft lip and palate is another common congenital disability. This condition results when the lip or roof of the mouth doesn’t close completely during development. This can cause difficulty eating and drinking, as well as breathing problems.

Concatenative heart disease is a condition that affects the way the heart works. It can develop at any time during pregnancy but is most common in early pregnancy.

Concurrent heart disease (i.e., two or more conditions that affect the heart) increases the risk of having a child with concatenative heart disease.

Spina bifida is a condition that affects the spinal cord. It occurs when

Causes of Birth Defects

Several factors can contribute to congenital disabilities.

One of the most common causes of congenital disabilities is preventable exposure to environmental toxins. This can include chemical exposures in the mother’s womb, drugs taken during pregnancy, and pollutants in the air.

Other causes of congenital disabilities include genetic mutations. These occur when a baby’s genes do not work correctly, leading to congenital disabilities.

Problems can also cause congenital disabilities during pregnancy, such as stillbirth or premature births. If the baby is born prematurely, they may have a more than average risk of developing congenital disabilities.

Symptoms of Birth Defects

One of the most common congenital disabilities is a cleft lip or palate. This occurs when the lip or palate does not form correctly during development, leading to a split between the lip and the mouth. Other congenital disabilities include heart defects, issues with the legs and arms, and eye abnormalities.

Many symptoms of congenital disabilities are nonspecific and can be caused by many other things, so it is essential to get checked out if you have any concerns.

Some common symptoms of congenital disabilities include feeding problems, trouble breathing, seizures, developmental delays, and trouble speaking. If you have any questions about whether you may have a congenital disability, consult your doctor.

Complications From a Birth Defect

One of the most common complications from a congenital disability is cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects movement and muscle coordination. It can occur at any time during a person’s life but is most commonly diagnosed in children between 1 and 5 years old.

Other common complications from a congenital disability include hearing loss, blindness, and developmental delays. Congenital disabilities can also cause other health problems such as respiratory problems, seizures, and autism.

Knowing the risks associated with congenital disabilities is essential to making informed decisions about your health care. Please contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your pregnancy.


If you are pregnant, it is essential to be aware of the various congenital disabilities that can occur in your child. Congenital disabilities happen when there is a problem with the way one or more organs develop during pregnancy.

Some common congenital disabilities include congenital heart problems, limb abnormalities, and cerebral palsy. You must speak with your doctor about any risks you may have for a specific congenital disability and get screened for it during pregnancy.

If you are ever concerned about a possible congenital disability in your baby, please do not hesitate to contact your doctor or health care provider.

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