7 Signs You’re Normal If Baby’s Sleeping More Than The Average Amount

While it might seem like there’s a long list of things you should be concerned about as a new mom, there are some things that are healthy and normal for your Baby. In this article, find out what your baby might be doing if they sleep more than the average amount. While it might seem like they’re not getting enough sleep, there are signs that they’re just different.

What is Normal Child Sleep?

Normal child sleep is typically 7 to 8 hours per day. However, some babies may sleep for more or less than this amount, which is entirely normal.

If your baby sleeps more than average, there is no need to worry. This means that your baby is doing okay and is resting comfortably. If you are concerned about your Baby’s sleep habits, consult a pediatrician or other medical professional.

What to Expect When Baby’s Sleeping More Than the Average Amount

Some parents find it hard to believe that their Baby sleeps more than the average. They feel like they’re doing something wrong or that their baby isn’t getting enough rest.

Don’t worry – your baby is sleeping more than the average amount. Here are some signs that suggest your baby is sleeping more than the average amount:

Your baby should sleep for at least 12-14 hours per day. If your Baby is averaging more than 14 hours of sleep per day, you can be sure they are getting enough sleep.

The Baby’s eyes should be closed and relaxed throughout the entire sleep cycle. If your Baby’s eyes are open and awake during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, they are not getting enough rest. REM sleep helps to consolidate memories and form new memories.

Your Baby’s body temperature should stay relatively consistent throughout the night. If your Baby’s temperature drops significantly at any point during the night, they may be insufficiently rested. Insufficiently rested Babies may have trouble regulating their body temperature, leading to fever and other illnesses.

7 Signs You’re Normal If Baby’s Sleeping More Than The Average Amount

Suppose you’re one of the lucky parents who is getting a good night’s sleep, congrats! But if you’re like many other parents, your Baby is probably sleeping more than the average amount.

There are many reasons why your baby might be sleeping more than the average amount. Some of the most common causes include:

Your baby is growing and developing faster than usual. This means that they need more sleep to stay healthy and active.

Your Baby is new to the family and adjusting to all the latest activities and noise. They may be sleepy because they’re tired or because they’re scared.

Your baby is teething and is going through a stage where they are biting and chewing on their teeth. This can cause them to be tired and restless at night.

You’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your Baby. Breastfeeding can make you tired, so it’s common for mothers to get a good night’s sleep after feeding their babies. Bottle-feeding doesn’t require as much energy, so some babies may still need less sleep than others.


If you’re anything like me, your nights have been restless, tossing and turning since you found out you were pregnant. At first, it seemed like nothing could calm Baby down for more than a few short hours at a time. But as the weeks went on and Baby started to sleep longer, you gradually began to feel better about yourself.

After all, if everything is going smoothly with Baby — shouldn’t that include their sleep schedule too? If your baby sleeps more than the average (around 14-16 hours per day), there’s no need to worry.

However, if you notice any changes in your Baby’s sleep habits or if they start waking up more often during the night, it might be worth consulting a doctor to rule out any potential issues.

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