Maybe Your Baby Should Start Tummy Time On Day One

Tummy time is a great way to help babies learn how to crawl on their bellies. However, new guidelines from the American Academy

of Pediatrics say that parents should start tummy time as early as their first day home from the hospital. Learn more about this topic in this article.

What is Tummy Time?

Tummy time is a fun way for babies to learn about their bodies and how they work. It can help them learn how to relax their muscles and improve their coordination. Tummy time is also great for babies to build strength and muscle memory.

Why Start Tummy Time Early?

If you are reading this, your baby is already starting to develop some tummy time skills! But why wait until day one to start practicing? Here are four reasons why you should start tummy time early:

Your Baby Will Get Used To The Activity

If you wait until day one to start practicing tummy time, your baby may be slightly surprised when you put them in that position for the first time.

This can cause some confusion and hesitation in their development of the skill. Instead, have them gradually get used to being in that position over time. This way, they’re more likely to enjoy and stick with it!

It Helps With Motor Skills

By increasing coordination and motor skills in general, tummy time will help your baby learn how to move their body correctly. This will help them develop better posture and movement as they grow older.

It Helps With Bonding Time

Bonding is essential for parents and babies, and tummy time is a great way to spend quality time together. You’re helping your baby develop trust and security by bonding during tummy time.

When Should I Start Tummy Time?

There are plenty of arguments on when to start tummy time, but experts say it should start as soon as possible. Here are some tips to get you started:

-Start with short sessions and increase the time gradually.

-Make sure your baby is comfortable and safe. Make sure there are no sharp objects nearby and that you have enough pillows or blankets to help support your baby’s head and body.

-If your baby can sit up, prop them against a sturdy surface with one hand while you play with their other hand. Use a chair for support if your baby cannot sit up independently.

-Encourage tummy time by praising your baby when they participate and offering positive reinforcement such as “Good job!” or “You’re doing great!”

How to Start and Progress With Tummy Time

It’s no secret that babies love to be hugged and held, especially when they feel happy and content. But what about those first few weeks of life when your little one is still learning to regulate their own emotions?

For some parents, tummy time may be the perfect way to help their baby feel secure and happy at the same time. Here are five tips for starting and progressing with tummy time:

1. Start small. While it may seem tempting to throw your baby into a full-on tummy session from day one, resist the urge! Instead, start by giving them brief hugs and snuggles every few hours. This will help them get used to the sensation of being close to you while letting them explore on their own.

2. Encourage movement. Once your baby is starting to enjoy tummy time, ensure they’re getting plenty of movement by engaging them in playful activities like swinging, patting, and waving their arms around. This will help keep their minds active and engaged while they relax in your arms.

3. Be patient. Remember, tummy time is a gradual process – don’t expect your baby to go from zero to sixty overnight! Be gentle with them


Maybe you’ve heard that babies need to start tummy time on day one. But is this the best way to begin? In this article, we’re going to look at the pros and cons of starting tummy time from day one.

We’ll explore whether or not this is necessary and what other activities your baby can engage in instead. After reading this article, hopefully, you will have a better idea about when and how to start tummy time with your little one.

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