The Best Time To Start Teaching Baby To Roll Over

The article introduces an exciting phenomenon that every parent should know about. The advantages and disadvantages of teaching your

baby to roll over from a young age are discussed, followed by advice on how to teach your baby to roll over.

When can babies start to roll over?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual baby. Some babies may start rolling over as early as six months old,

while others may not start rolling over until they are a bit older, typically around one or two years old. The important thing is that

your baby is spending enough time on their back and tummy so that they can learn how to roll over safely and independently.

What should you expect your baby to be able?

When it comes to rolling over, babies will progress at different rates. Some babies may be able to roll over in as little as a few weeks, while others may take up to several months.

Here are five things you can expect your baby to be able to do by the time they reach six months old: 

-Be able to curl their fingers and toes

-Can lift their head and shoulders off of the mattress

-Can open their eyes and keep them open for brief periods

-Can move their arms and legs

Different types of rolls

There are a few different ways to teach your baby to roll over. You can use one of these methods or try a mix to see which works best for your baby.

The easiest way is to have your baby roll over on their back. Have them arch their back and lift their head and shoulder off the bed.

Then have them slowly lower their head and shoulders back down. This will help them learn how to roll over on their back.

If your baby is not rolling over yet, you can help them by putting one hand on their back and helping them lift their head and shoulder off the bed.

You can also try helping them rotate towards the edge of the bed, making them more likely to roll over.

You can also try having your baby roll onto their side first. Have them lift one leg and then put that foot on the edge of the bed next to their head.

Then have them put the other leg down to lie on their side. This will help with the rotation part of the rollover process.

As your baby gets better at rolling over, you can start teaching them to do it on their stomach by putting one hand under their chest and helping them roll.

What is tummy time?

Tummy time is a great way to encourage your baby to roll over. It can help them develop good habits, improve their balance, and increase their muscle strength. Here are some tips on how to do it: 

-Start by lying down with your baby on their back. Place one hand on their tummy and use the other hand to support their head and neck. Keep your baby’s eyes closed and let them relax into the position. 

-After a few minutes, your baby should move around a bit. If they don’t want to stay put, encourage them by saying “rollover” or “turn over” in a soft voice.

If they roll over onto their back, give them a thumbs up and keep praising them. If they roll over onto their stomach, continue praising them and offer more tummy time activities soon afterwards. 

-If your baby starts to cry or show discomfort, stop immediately and try again later. Tummy time is a great way to help babies learn to self-soothe, so be patient while practising these new skills.


As your baby begins to roll over, you may wonder when is best to start teaching them this important skill. As with most things, it’s a little more complicated.

There are pros and cons to teaching your baby to roll over at different ages, but the truth is that there isn’t one correct answer.

It’s up to you and your child as they grow and learn what works best for them. So please give it some thought, weigh the pros and cons,

and then decide when would be the best time for you and your child to start practising rolling over!

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